A Kid Story!

“Kid Story”

This story is about a little girl who I had the opportunity to teach. I was her 1st grade teacher for the 2009-2010 school year. Aleena comes from an unstable home, where her mother is an inconsistent figure in her life. Her mother also suffers from bi-polar disorder, which, I’m sure can take a toll on a young child.

From the beginning of the year, Aleena had many emotional problems. Frequently having outbursts and tantrums, she was having difficulty getting through the day. Many of these outbursts would last for over an hour and result in her needing to leave the classroom.

After many months of patience, discussing her problems, and positive reinforcement, Aleena’s behavior started to change for the better. Her attitude was much brighter and she was using the strategies that we discussed to manage and control her anger. The last two months of school were such a joy as I had the chance to see Aleena grow and improve more and more each day. She will always hold a special place in my heart!